Saturday, February 12, 2011

Battlefield 3 on Playstation Mag. March Issue

Yesterday while I was at the store, I got across at an article on the Playstation Magazine Issue 043 of March 2011 talking about Battlefield 3. The article is on page 14, and it was listing The Big 10 Most talked games of the moment. Battlefield 3 was listed in 3rd position, here is what Playstation Magazine said.

What we Know About The New Battlefield Game.

Battlefield 3

1- It's Modern Combat:
The introduction of Vietnam to Bad Company 2 says the next battlefield will return to modern warfare. It's going to be another badcompany?
If so, we hope singleplayer improves to sit next to the brillian multiplayer.

2- There'll be a Beta:
Those who bought the Medal of Honor Limited Edition will be given first dibs on the Battlefield 3 multiplayer beta. Our guess is it won't be live until autumn, but DICE does like to launch trials early, so it might be sooner.

3- DICE is Making it:
This is an obious, but crucial point. DICE made the multiplayer (or a good bit of it) in Medal of Honor, and has learned from that experience. Nobody does multiplayer as DICE does, so expect this to be the New Battlefield's focus.

4- Co-op is Likely:
Having experimented with Bad company 2 onslaught mode, we expect it to be standar in battlefield 3, even if its included within another horde-style mode instead of an extension of the main story campaign.

5- New Modes Possible:
Players need more just than Rush and Conquest modes. Anticipate fresh maps, new modes similar to Objective Raid, and a return for popular Company 2 stages such as Arica Harbor and isla inocentes.

Even though the article didn't talk about anything new, it's good to know that everybody has eyes on Battlefield 3. With that in mind DICE has a Big weight on their shoulders to deliver their most ambitious game to perfection.

The Article was clarified by DICE's UK forum Moderator
Today, 02:44 PM

"We have not announced any maps for BF3. This article is pure speculation."

Any doubts are now cleared.
Stay tuned for more upcoming info.
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